Honey clearly puts the age-old adage, ‘Everything that glitters is not gold’, to test. It is perhaps liquid gold that can enhance one’s skin’s beauty. And ladies and gentlemen, if we consider the treacherous urban environment, trust us; you have got to resort to honey if you want to continue to look ageless.
Honey is awesome for skin because of its antibacterial properties and antioxidants. Honey cures most of the skin problems, enlisted below, that everyone is facing today because of stress and/or pollution.
- Acne
- Aging
- Closed pores
- Dull skin
Read on to find why honey makes for a healthy, shinier and gorgeous skin.
The morning glow
Consuming Honey on a daily basis also helps you in getting that ‘beauty sleep’ which eventually leads to a better and glowing skin.
Let the skin breath
A layer of honey on the face unclogs pores. Put it on a damp skin in circular motion, leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse gently with lukewarm water for a soft and radiant skin.
Swab, dip, dab, rock!
A swab of Honey is what you need to get rid of that stubborn acne. Dip cotton in Honey and dab it on the pimple. Additionally, to wake up with a fresh and de-stressed skin, apply a light amount of Honey on your face and leave it overnight.
Take down the makeup
Honey makes a great cleanser to dissolve makeup. Create a mixture of Honey and Coconut or Jojoba oil with tea tree or lavender oil and make it balmy enough so that it slides across the face. Throw in a pinch of turmeric, cinnamon or nutmeg to give the face an aromatic treatment.
Tip-top, head-to-toe
A simple concoction made from Honey makes a great scrub. Use it once or twice in a week to exfoliate the skin from head-to-toe.
Bye-bye, dry and parched skin
When the chilly air of the winters is giving a hard time to your skin, Honey can soothe and moisturize. Add two cups of it to a running bath, soak for 15 minutes, your skin won’t be able to thank you enough.
The treasure filled with ‘liquid gold’ for a smooth, plum and beautiful skin is all yours!